Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thank you, Dan! :)

Пристигна чак от Америка :), от Дан, или Mythopolis. На тубата отвън има улични музиканти :), а вътре - негови рисунки, стари и по-нови, и едни особени снимки, които прави. Аз хич не ги харесвах в началото, но сега е описал процеса и ми стана доста интересно. Снима от екран на телевизор или компютър, после вкарва сниманото отново в компютъра и го снима и така няколко пъти...тук сега трябва един историк на изкуството да спретне един анализ и концепция хахаха, не, сериозно. А светлата рисунка е от 79-та и ще си я закача на стената!
Освен това, татко ми донесе и аз сглобих лично (и с безценната помощ на Дени!) бюро! Вече пространството в новата ми къща доби окончателна форма. Имам и директорски стол на колелца ахахаха и така, сега отивам да рАботя ;)

Thank you, Dan, for this pretty package! I love the light yellow drawing and I'm going to put it on a wall in my place :). The other is very much for me too as I am trying to quit smoking :D. And after reading the explanations on the back of the photo I started looking at your photo experiments with new eyes. It is really very interesting this result of series of shooting the already shot picture from the is strange and if I were an art historian ;) I would have come up with a theory about it already :))) I'll send back the tube refilled as soon as I can ;) Hugs!
Apart from your present, I've got a real desk yesterday (I used the kitchen table for a desk so far) No uterus on my desk now, but on my kitchen table hahahaha...and I'm very happy with my new home...:)


ernesta said...

слагай чая, идвааааааам.

Anonymous said...

daaaaa,az mn se razvulnyx kato se pribrax s risynkite, koito sa mnogo dobri i na pipane...koiota slojix na stenata ,drygite v garderoba...i kat poglednax se okaza,4e imam nqkolko ve4e risynki v marlo,na lora(ot sliven) i sq ot dan...xm!

mythopolis said...

Hi Leni! I hope all these words I can't understand mean you mail. You can keep the tube if you want to and make another kalaidoscope of it if you wish. I appreciate so much your covering Ana's work with your camera, and of course, I love your art and your way of being,

mythopolis said...

As much fun for me as for you! Photos on tube are: street musicians in Copenhagen, a cannonball on a friend's floor in Chicago, and a random photo in Nashville....if you send the tube back you will be in trouble, since it will only come back to you again entirely different! big hug...d

Anonymous said...

yes,Dan...she has to make a kaleidoskope from the will be the greatest kaleidoskope...we will find another tube...

Elena said...

:), yes, in bulgarian I say pretty much the same as in english, except that I explain where the tube came from and what exactly is in there, things you know very well :) I'm now thinking what to fill it with and how to change it from the outside :))), or may be I'll keep yours (I loved the man with the acoredeon)and find another to fly to America ;)

mythopolis said...

Sorry to just now be catching up, keep the tube Leni and make it into something else...or just keep it as a mysterious is all ok with me. but the next tube I send will be ana's! It is not the object but the process...the objects are sweet...but it is this process..the flow...let's just keep it flowing...I like how an envelope or tube sent becomes its own thing...when I mailed it the postal guy started stamping it with his official stamp...and I said yes...stamp the hell out of it! So he stamped all over it...hahah...just a part of the process! And I wonder how many fingerprints are on this tube and who those people keep it...and use it how you wish!!