В тази чакра се осъществява сливането на човешката същност с универсалного съзнание, което е извън пределите на човешкия разум. Осъзнава се единството на всичко. Тя ни свързва с безсмъртното, с ангелите, с Божията воля, в нея се концентрира силата на молитвата - центърът на всички връзки с духовното.
Когато тази чакра е отворена и балансирана, човек е способен на най-дълбоко разбиране и отдаване на другите, проявява истинска щедрост и обич. При блокирано състояние, човек е споходен от саморазрушителни мисли и чувства на неудовлетвореност, разочарование от себе си, самота и откъснатост от другите. Това е основното пространство за гнева, себе омразата и страха.
Цветът е виолетов, мантра АУМ.
Violet in color, the Crown Chakra vitalizes the cerebrum (or upper brain) and anchors the “etheric stream”, or energy flow from the spiritual world into the physical body. It is the direct connection to our higher self and brings reverence for all life, knowledge of infinity and insights form the spiritual self. It constitutes our energetic connection with God or ALL that IS.
This chakra is physically located at the top of your head. Spiritual connection is the essence of the Crown Chakra; it is the source of Christ consciousness and divine inspiration. It is important to the healing of every physical condition and is generally a channel for the soothing of the disorders of the nerves, stress, mental confusion, neurosis, insomnia and all other body problems.
The Crown or ' Diamond' Chakra connects us with immortality, angels, grace, divine forces, and ultimate self-realization. Through the crown chakra one can literally reach the heavens or other energy realms and can project healing and pure, unconditional love energies anywhere in the universe. This is where the Power of Prayer is focused and projected; the center of all spiritual connection.
When this chakra is open and balanced, one is capable of the deepest understanding, devotion to others, and acts of generosity. This is the point from which one projects love and caring into the universe, friends, family and all people on the planet.
When this chakra is imbalanced, one is haunted by self-destructive thoughts and feelings, frustration, and disappointment in self. One can feel lonely and isolated from the community, friends and family. This is the ultimate space of anger, fear and self-loathing.
Страхотна е, не мога да отлепя очи от тази картина. Признавам си че си я свалих и си я слагам на десктопа.
Направила съм ти комплект от всички, само връвчица още не съм сложила :)
This one haunts me right now because of the recent assassination attempt here where Gabriella Gibson got shot completely through this portion of her brain. Amazingly, she is still alive, but it is touch and go. Very sad story.
Yes, I heard about her...life is unpredictable and who knows, may be she'll be ok, I hope so at least...
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