Почувствах се малко като Амели Пулен, кoгато намери кутийката с детски съкровища.
"Бели зъбки като гъбки" :))) Във всеки случай обичам копчета, като баба ми, явно...
Закърпила е ъгълчетата на капака, миличката...
A funny box from toothpaste for children from my grandmother (I'm not quite sure how old it is, there was a coin form 1943 inside), filled with buttons, she'd sewn the corners...
Mnogo e sladka kutiykata.Ne sam vizhdala takava predy.Mozhe bi e ot predi 9 septemvry.Haresvam risunkite,stila na hudozhnika.Vaobshte mnogo e tsenna.
Може да е от 50тте, тогава баща ми е бил момченце и може би си е миел зъбките с паста Лайка :)
This is a little treasure. It speaks so much about past lives. And someone even stitched the box back together....really interesting!
Here there is an old saying: "Use it Up. Wear it out. Make it do." Of course, that was long ago...long before the throw-away generations of today!
I found an abandoned old shoe washed up along a river bank. The sole of the shoe had been reattached to the body of the shoe with big nails driven in, then bent over to hold the shoe together! That had to have been the shoe of some lost generation!
You are so right, Dan, about the past times...and the things were made stronger and long lasting. the present days "technology" requires form her customers to throw away their things almost every year and buy new ones...and this box has survived half a century and more...
Художникът е ... ВАДИМ ЛАЗАРКЕВИЧ!
Предполагам, че има начин да се провери, поне стилът му е неповторим. Да, илюстрациите му са толкова прекрасни, че понякога засенчват самите приказки ...
Аз съм Ро /не знам как става регистр., затова съм анонимна/.
Мерси, Ро! Не бях чувала за него...
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